Conferences @ "VOCES VERBI NIGHT":
The story of man’s creation and original solitude in the Garden of Eden not only teaches us the truth about our origins, but also the truth about our identity, i.e. the truth about who we are as human beings. Drawing from St. John Paul II’s Theology of Body; Fr. Christopher, IVE, will seek to show us how we can rediscover this truth in the Garden.
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“The fight for Sunday is another of the Church’s major concerns in the present day, when there is so much to upset the rhythm of time that sustains community.” As Bendict XVI points out in Jesus of Nazareth, many people are struggling to keep Sunday holy, set apart, and different from every day of the week. Taking points from St. John Paul II’s Dies Domini, Voces Verbi’s Dan Mattingly presents on the holiness of Sunday (particularly the Eucharistic aspect) and some practical means on how we can keep the Lord’s day set apart and different from just any other day of the week.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” ( Luke 10:2). Each one of us is called by God to a specific state of life, that is, a specific vocation. But this calling is not only for us, it is for the building up of the Church. Fr. Mariano Ruiz explains at Voces how it is under this light we can best ask ourselves what we are doing to help vocations and why it is also the best way to discern our own.
The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office, is the daily prayer of the Church, marking the hours of each day and sanctifying the day with prayer. This all important prayer is not meant to be prayed only by priests and religious but by all the faithful, as the Church herself encourages: “all who render this service are not only fulfilling a duty of the Church . . . [but also] by offering these praises to God they are standing before God’s throne in the name of the Church their Mother” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 84). At first glance, though, it can be confusing where to even start praying The Liturgy of the Hours. Sr. Misericordia presents to us the Liturgy of the Hours, their meaning, structure, and how to pray them.
Have you ever wondered why God allows you to be tempted? Could it be that they can help us on our way to heaven? Fr. Ted joins Voces Virtual to explain what temptations are, how we can resist them and how they can be used to help us grow in holiness.
In the Bible, we have a unique treasure, because in it, “men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” And yet, are we really appreciating the Word of God as we should? St. Jerome said that “ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” On the other hand, frequent reading of Scripture teaches us the “excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:8). Br. Jacobs presents on what the Catholic Church teaches about this sacred Word of God and how we as Christians can benefit from it.
Living Divine Mercy: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Mt. 5:7)
On the Second Sunday of Easter the Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast our Lord specifically asked for to St. Faustina which was instituted by St. John Paul II in the year 2000. Every year this Feast, as well as the whole Octave of Easter, highlights God’s great mercy and love for us. But what exactly is Divine Mercy? And how does it (or should it) change my life? Br. Peter speaks at Voces about the importance of the Divine Mercy message revealed by Jesus to Saint Faustina, its urgency, and need, especially in our modern day and age. |
During the past months, the wounds of racism have been re-opened in our culture. What can we do as Catholics to heal these wounds? Although almost five centuries have gone by since the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother to the humble Juan Diego, her message is more than ever necessary for those who are in search for authentic peace and reconciliation. Fr. Diego Ruiz, IVE, presents on how Our Lady of Guadalupe reminds us today that we are all her children and she wants to bring us together as God’s family in Christ.
Fulton Sheen presents reflections on life and how to live in an ever-changing world in his book On Being Human. There are conflicts that the world tries to solve on its own terms, and there are internal struggles we are trying to make sense of. How should we react in the midst of both in a Catholic way while working towards our happiness and sanctification? Dcn. Peter, IVE, seeks to address these questions at Voces.
At first glance it may seem that Mary is hardly in Sacred Scripture at all. Many claim that Catholics overstate the importance of Mary in relation to her appearances in the Bible. However, through the use of typology (the study and interpretation of types and symbols), Br. Jacob will show how Mary is the New Eve and the Ark of the Covenant, and the importance of Marian devotion.
We live in an era that avoids looking at the inevitable last things: death, judgement, heaven and hell. However, when we look at these things through the light of faith, we can see them as what they really are. Br. Constantine presents on the importance of a proper perspective on the last things, and how this can help foster a more intense spiritual life deeper relationship with Christ.
There is a relatively new ideology coming onto the scene that reduces a person's sex to a choice rather than a God-given and essential element of identity. If there is any doubt to its prevalence, one need only look at the well known video from the Family Policy Institute. Fr. Ted Trinko, IVE joins Voces Verbi to discuss the Origins and Catholic Response to Gender Ideology.
If we get the Incarnation wrong, we will get much of Catholic theology wrong. This talk helps us "rightly" understand the Incarnation and how we need to "get real" with what we profess it to be. Listen to more to unpack the Catholic truths that Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. presents to us in The Light of Christ.