The Callings
There are three essential callings that culminate in that particular calling we know as our vocation.
Where do I start in discerning my vocation?
Discernment starts with building a solid spiritual life.
It's true that God does not call the prepared but prepares the called, but it is equally true that with our gift of freedom we should prepare the foundations for whatever vocation He calls us to.
It's true that God does not call the prepared but prepares the called, but it is equally true that with our gift of freedom we should prepare the foundations for whatever vocation He calls us to.
PrayerDaily contact with God through prayer is first.
VirtueFreedom, a key to following God's will, is found in virtue.
SacramentsGrace is the life of our soul and the "sap" of holiness.
Discernment“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” ( Luke 10:2).
Each one of us is called by God to a specific state of life, that is, a specific vocation. But this calling is not only for us; it is for the building up of the Church. Fr. Mariano Ruiz explains at Voces Verbi how it is under this light that we can best ask ourselves what we are doing to help vocations and why it is also the best way to discern our own. |