BEAUTY & BEatitude
The Church hopes for a renewed “epiphany” of beauty (and beatitude) in our time.
-St. John Paul II
-St. John Paul II
Begins In:
Keynote Speakers
Msgr. Charles Pope |
Dr. John-Mark Miravalle |
Break-Out Session & "lunch TalK" Speakers
Dr. John-Mark Miravalle
Mount St. Mary's University
Fr. Diego Ruiz, IVE
CHaplain - Mount st. Mary's University
Sr. Apostle of Joy, SSVM
Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara
Fr. Christopher Etheridge, IVE
Ven. Fulton Sheen Seminary
Jessica Nahmias
Voces Verbi Young Adult
culture Crusade
Reclaiming culture by reclaiming the arts.
Take part in this year's "Poetry Challenge" at Universitas 2019 by writing your own metered poetry, memorizing a classical work from a Catholic or classical poet, or composing your own song and performing it (or simply sharing your musical talent through a classical performance.)
Take part in this year's "Poetry Challenge" at Universitas 2019 by writing your own metered poetry, memorizing a classical work from a Catholic or classical poet, or composing your own song and performing it (or simply sharing your musical talent through a classical performance.)
writeCompose your own poetry in the style of a classical poet & metered verse. Don't make it too long and be ready to recite it for us...no memorizing necessary.
ReciteNot a poet, but like poetry?
Then commit a poem from one of the Catholic or classical poets below to memory and recite it on stage. |
PerformMusically inclined?
Combine prose and song by writing a song and sharing it with us. Not a songwriter? Don't worry, learn a piece of classical music and share that with the audience! |
The Poets
Why Universitas?Catholic Young Adult ConferenceDiscover what living the Catholic faith as a young adult is all about: community with other young adult catholics, spiritual, intellectual, and apostolic formation.
About UniversitasThe modern university and job atmosphere can be a hostile place for the Catholic Faith. Whether its in the classroom, student union, or workplace, Catholics are increasingly being challenged by the secularization of society, with its repercussions in almost every facet of life.
As Catholics, it’s not enough that our faith simply survive the challenge; in Christ’s own words, we are called to be the salt of the earth, and the light of the world (Mt 5:13-14). In order to meet the challenges of living the faith as a young Catholic adult, our Religious Family hosts an annual four-day formation program called Universitas on the grounds of our retreat center in the beautiful foothills of the NY Catskill Mountains. Universitas is an intensive course designed to provide four types of formation essential for Catholic Young Adults: 1. Human Formation: Grace builds on nature, healing a human nature wounded by sin and raising it to new heights. To be truly human means to be in command of the emotions, to be able to communicate with and work alongside other people. To accomplish this, Universitas provides numerous opportunities to challenge and master yourself by hiking in the Catskills, canoeing and kayaking in the Hudson River, playing team sports, and the like. The camaraderie you’ll experience by being with other serious Catholics is a great opportunity to reflect on the importance of your faith and to ‘recharge’ after a trying year at college.
2. Spiritual Formation: Universitas is a time to draw nearer to God through prayer. With daily Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions, and communal recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, you’ll draw nearer to God who is the source of all holiness. 3. Intellectual Formation: In contemporary society, it’s not enough simply to know basic Catholic doctrine and to leave the difficult issues to theologians; now, more than ever, the world wants to know what we Catholics believe and why. The seminars and sessions at Universitas will provide you with profound insights and deeper understanding of Catholic teaching, taken from the greatest minds the world has even seen: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Pope John Paul II, and many, many more! 4. Apostolic Formation: To be the salt of the earth, and the light of the world, we must go out preach the Good News. To be formed as an apostle means to learn concrete ways to spread the Gospel, to become skilled at inculturating it even in a culture as secular as a university campus. Universitas will give you the tools to live as an apostolic witness no matter where you study. |
"The Way of Beauty" Blog Post about Universitas |
schedule & locationGeneral ScheduleSaturday, June 1st
5:00pm - 7:00pm - Arrival 7:30pm - Opening Mass 8:30pm - Dinner 9:30pm - Bonfire/Sports Sunday, June 2nd
Monday, June 3rd
Keynote Speaker: Dr. John-Mark Miravalle
Dr. Miravalle will be speaking on "Beauty". Dr. Miravalle is the Assistant Professor of Moral Theology and Director of Pre-Theology Formation at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD. He recently authored the book, Beauty: What It is and Why It Matters. "Lunch Talk": Jessica Nahmais
Jessica is a graduate of the University of Maryland, where she was an active member of Catholic Terps. She recently spent a summer in Ecuador serving the poor as a lay volunteer. She will be speaking on "Spiritual Poverty". Breakout Sessions: Men's: Fr. Diego Ruiz, IVE Fr. Diego, a native of Chile, is the chaplain of Mount St. Mary's University. Women's: Sr. Apostle of Joy, SSVM A graduate of Benedictine College, Sr. Apostle of Joy currently serves on the Formation Staff at the Servidora's postulancy in Upper Marlboro, MD. Tuesday, June 4th
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. John-Mark Miravalle Dr. Miravalle will continue his presentations on "Beauty". Msgr. Charles Pope Msgr. Pope is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. He is currently the pastor of Holy Comforter/St. Cyprian in Southeast DC. Besides his parish work, Msgr. Pope also writes weekly for Our Sunday Visitor and the National Catholic Register and appears daily on the local Catholic Radio show: Morning Glory. He will speaking on the topic of "Beatitude". "Lunch Talk": Fr. Christopher Etheridge, IVE
Fr. Christopher is a native of L.A. ("Lower Alabama") who was ordained in 2016 and currently serves on the Formation Staff at the Venerable Fulton Sheen Seminary, the IVE's Missionary Seminary in Washington, DC. He will be speaking on the topic of Maturity. Breakout Session: Dr. John-Mark Miravalle Dr. Miravalle will talk about how we as Catholics should understand Homosexuality. Wednesday, June 5th
Keynote Speaker: Msgr. Charles Pope
Msgr. Pope will conclude his presentations on the topic of "Beatitude". Closing Mass
Cookout Departure (2:30pm) St. Patrick's Retreat Center19 Sunside Road
East Durham, NY 12423 |
Fee & TransportationRegistration Fee: $80.00