Br. Peter Trinko ![]() Our world is currently going through an intense crisis of identity and crisis of meaning. As we have continued to conquer the world through technology and effort, we are at the same time suffering untold trauma from the lack of a real foundation of our lives. In a time that demands more and more certainty, we have never experienced such doubt and uncertainty. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone of faith. As the Second Vatican Council stated in Gaudium et Spes, “The truth is that only in the mystery of the Incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light” (GS 22), but our culture has relegated Jesus Christ...
Fr. Christopher Etheridge, IVE ![]() Venerable Fulton Sheen once wrote, “If you want people to stay as they are, tell them what they want to hear. If you want to improve them, tell them what they should know.” You should know that Lent always comes to us as a moment of grace. But do we live it as such? Mature Christian men and women should not be satisfied with living Lent the same way they did as children, giving up sweets, not watching TV, or praying a little more each day. These were good penances when, like I said, we were children, but we are no longer children now. We must be coherent in our search for maturity. If we want to be treated and respected as mature adults in all aspects of our lives, then we must also approach our spiritual lives maturely. Br. Peter Trinko ![]() In his masterpiece Life of Christ, Venerable Fulton Sheens begins by pointing that there have been many men throughout history who claim to be from God, or that they were gods, or they bore messages from God. In our modern culture we also often hear that Jesus Christ is not the Word made flesh, but rather simply another moral teacher. As Catholics, how can we respond to these arguments reducing our Lord to ‘just another great religious figure’? Br. Miguel Castro Life seems to be full of hope. A hope which has as its object desired states of life we want to possess: the perfect job, the perfect income, the perfect lifestyle... the perfect life. History has never seen such a time, in which man can do so much, reach new heights, yet reality paints another picture. Why then is our reality so far removed from the expected state of humanity?
October 2023